The megaphone

You’re handed a megaphone. You can say whatever you want.
What do you choose to say?

Everyone around you will hear it.
But that, of course, is no guarantee that they will listen.

The only thing that’s certain is that they will hear it.

What do you think will make them listen?

What do you think will make them pause?
What will make them come closer?
Or pass your message along?

This, essentially, is public speaking.
Only that you’re handed a microphone in place of a megaphone.

What do you choose to say?

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False promises

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A real game changer

“Looking from my audience’s perspective was a real game changer. Why did no-one teach us that before?” That was the feedback I’ve received a couple

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Of course you hire a coach

When you’re an athlete, of course you’re working with a coach. Even the best athletes still have a coach. Actually, to be more precise, especially

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