The laziness of confusion

I’ve seen so many ideas being buried because the communication was confusing. Lack of clarity stole the impact and influence that many of these ideas would have deserved.

The bitter truth is that often it’s a form of laziness that’s to blame.

Because let’s face it: If we don’t focus on a clear message, we’re basically delegating that task to our audience. We’re asking our audience: please figure out for yourself what’s so great about my idea.

The thing is: We might not be too happy with their choice.

I deeply believe that the ability to focus and find clarity is among the most important skills of any communicator. When we do work that matters, one of our most important tasks is to do the hard work of focussing ourselves. It’s our very own job to make our audience see why it matters, what’s so brilliant about it, and how they can make use of it.

Why does your idea matter?

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A big irony in communication:the more you try to impress, the less you usually do. The fancy ads, the larger-than-life promises, the forced storytelling …

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Stand out!

That’s what they tell us: Stand out! And so we see more and more people tell their story bigger, faster, and louder. Brighter colours. Fancier

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