Watch someone flick through TikTok reels and you’ll see a repeating pattern:
Lame! -> Flick
Lame! -> Flick
Lame! -> Flick
Oh, what’s that!? -> Stop scrolling !!
Only to discover – usually in a matter of 2-3 seconds – that it’s still kind of lame. So: flick again to continue the loop:
Lame! -> Flick
Lame! -> Flick
Oh, what’s that!? -> Stop scrolling !!
And this time, it’s actually kind of interesting. And before they’ve even noticed it, they’ve watched the reel for 40 seconds.
It’s a very simple principle:
- Get their attention
- Spark their interest
- Only then dive deeper
With presentations it’s much the same, albeit on a very different time scale.
Someone starts their PowerPoint, you think: “Lame!” and tune out to switch your attention to planning your evening.
Another one starts their PowerPoint, you think: “Lame!” and tune out to switch your attention to improving your tennis swing.
Another one starts their presentation, you think: “Oh, what’s that!?” but they land on a generic agenda slide and you go “No, still kind of lame!”
It’s the same principle:
- Get their attention
- Spark their interest
- Only then dive deeper
Your audience’s tolerance to dive deep – and therefore your impact – is limited before you’ve established attention and interest.
Keep lighting the path!