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Solving your visibility problem

When we want to be seen and heard, we tend to look for reasons that make it worth looking at and listening to us: “We’re good at this”, “We’ve done that”, “We care for this” and “We’ve invested that much effort” …

In other words: we speak a lot about ourselves. Yet, what makes people really listen is when they feel being heard, what makes them look is when they feel being seen.

When it’s not about us, anymore, but about the people we address, our audiences open up. When they feel that we get them, they will start to listen. When we solve their problem as opposed to having them solve our visibility problem they will start to look closer.

So, where does your audience want to improve in? Where do they come from? What do they care about? What do they strive for?

Make them feel seen and heard and they will hear you. Solving their visibility problem will solve yours.

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Consistency vs. Stagnation

There’s a fine line between consistency in your actions and stagnation. Stagnation is almost inevitable when you act the same way over and over again.

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