On our own

Not everyone considers themselves a leader. Many are happy to follow when others move first. Many prefer it when someone provides direction.

But hardly anybody likes being pushed in that direction. Neither being pulled.

Because it turns out that people like to walk themselves. Show them why it’s worthwhile, enjoyable, risk-free, fun, hilarious, responsible or whatever the motivation might be in your case. When it resonates, then people will choose to move on that path. By themselves. Without you having to push or pull them.

It’s amazing to observe the resistance that immediately kicks in at the moment you start applying force.

It’s so much more powerful to illuminate the path for people to walk on rather than push someone along that path.

How can you reframe your pitch so that people see the path in a light that makes them want to take the first step as opposed to you having to persuade them?

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The Taxi Incident

So you’re the CEO.You’ve just landed from a business trip and need to get back to the office.You jump into a taxi. But instead of

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Let’s try something new

When something doesn’t work, it’s tempting to start over and try a different solution for our problem. Let’s try something new! And it might work.

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Ready or not?

“The show doesn’t go on because it’s ready; it goes on because it’s 11:30.” – Lorne Michaels These are the words of Saturday Night Live

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