Of course

The most compelling “aha moments” create an “of course effect”.

It’s that sudden realization or enlightenment you experience once you see a solution or idea that seems incredibly obvious in hindsight.

It feels like a blend of surprise and certainty.
A sense of simplicity and inevitability.

“Why haven’t I thought of that? It’s so obvious!”

To create one for your audience, the insight itself is not enough. You need clarity in your communication, too.

Can you lead your audience to that moment of realization where everything suddenly clicks into place and they experience the of-course effect?

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Who would you meet?

If, out of nowhere, you were magically given an extra day next year, but with an asterisk: You will only get the extra day if

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Order from above

“Don’t ask me why. It’s an order from above.” Still a common scheme in corporations – both outward and inward facing. It frustrates customers and teams

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The polite audience

Have you ever sat in a totally boring presentation but ended up clapping your hands anyway? Clearly, the applause wasn’t well deserved but you clapped

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