Marketing in a sentence: You see things that I don’t see but want me to.
And why wouldn’t I. Your thing is amazing, isn’t it?
Yet, today alone already 100 other people wanted me to see something, too. And guess what: Their things are amazing, too. At least, that’s what they were trying to tell me.
Here’s the thing: They were telling me – one louder than the other so I would be more likely to listen.
The thing is: Even if I’m listening I still need to see what you see. So, that’s your job as a communicator. Make me see the things that you see. Even better: make me feel how these things make you feel. Light me the path!
Then, I might come along. Then, I might appreciate how amazing your thing is.
The place to start: What is it specifically that you see and I don’t? Can you name it? Describe it? Paint me a picture of it? Even better: Paint me a picture inside my head?