Knock, knock! Here’s your passion!

For most people, passion is not something that just comes along and says “hello”. It’s not something you wait for and suddenly, it’s there and you’re going to lead a fulfilled life ever after.

Passion is a process. You become passionate about something because you do this thing, learn more about it, share what you’ve learnt with others, dig deeper, discover something other’s haven’t discovered, yet, get frustrated with it, pick it up again, discover yet another new corner you haven’t explored, …

The more it becomes a part of your life, the more passionate you become.

There are very few people like filmmaker Werner Herzog who calls filmmaking an uninvited duty that gave him no choice other than to become passionate about it.

For most people, passion grows out of curiosity and play.

If it doesn’t, then change a thing or two and watch what happens. Repeat.

PS: There’s no law of nature that requires you to have a passion as strong as music was a passion for Mozart or football is for Messi even if motivational coaches try to make us believe otherwise. If you don’t have that passion, you still have a life. And that is quite something.

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