Key takeaways from Flip the Script

On Wednesday, Shane Cradock and I had a lot of fun doing some public thinking.

In our free webinar, more than 50 leaders from across the world joined in to listen to our discussion on what it takes to flip your inner script and move to whatever your next level is.

Some people reached out who couldn’t attend and so we decided to leave the recording online for a couple of more days. You can still access it here.

Some key takeaways from the conversation:

  • Why in order to play fast, you gotta practice slowly (starting at 33:40min)
  • What it takes to turn from amateur to pro and how you push back your inner resistance (starting at 36min)
  • What the “More Monster” is doing to you and why you should become really selfish about the things that truly matter to you (starting at 44:50 min)
  • Why there’s never a perfect script and you’re never finished flipping the script (starting at 1:02 hour)
  • Why flipping the script is not a task, but a skill (starting at 1:03:30 hour)
  • Why hitting the pause button to tune into your inner script is important (starting at 1:06 hour)

We just kept going way over the hour because we wanted to answer all the questions that came from the audience.

If you’re interested in information about the program that we’re going to launch in September, that info starts at 48:27min.

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