Just sayin’

If you could just let go of the judgement of others and tell your story just like you feel it, what would you say?

If you could just say what you mean without worrying whether that sounds cool or clever, what would you say?

If you could just skip the superficial and get right to the heart of the matter, what would you say?

Why don’t you?

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The PATH to Strategic Impact

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Try something new

This week (like any other week) seems like a great week to try and do some things differently. How about one of these? Smile more

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A tough decision

Sometimes, we need to make a tough decision: Who do we leave behind? As a customer. In our messaging. It might sound like a cliché,

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Getting people’s support

There’s almost no limit in getting people’s support when supporting you gets them what they want. This alignment, of course, gets easier the better you

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Daily insights on
The Art of Communicating

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