Inner clarity, outer confusion

Clarity is a tricky beast. We can feel inner clarity but sense outer confusion.

Confusion’s best mate is the Curse of Knowledge which reassures us that everything’s super clear. Which it is. To us. I mean, we just know it, right? But the Curse of Knowledge is brilliant at hiding the fact that for our audience it’s super hard to understand. They don’t know what we know, after all.

The more we know about something and the deeper we care about that thing, the harder it gets to speak about that thing in simple terms.

If you want a reality check to beat the Curse of Knowledge and put confusion back in its place, join us on September, 7th for a free Q&A. You’ll meet like minded people and get a chance to ask me anything, e.g. how to overcome the Curse of Knowledge in your case.

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Cleaning up the mess

Let’s say it straight: The world of strategy can be messy.But your communication should not reflect that mess. I mean, organizations of more than a

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