“I don’t have time for that!”

… because I’ve got three meetings, a proposal that needs to be sent out, my email inbox has 127 unanswered emails and there are a bunch of other pitches that we need to prepare besides this one. We really need to get this done quickly.

Which is totally understandable.

And yet …

All of this is a choice!

The choice between crafting this one proposal meticulously well, fully committed to the outcome and between rushing a whole bunch of things half-heartedly.

Some work is better than others simply because the makers were focussed on that work much better. Rather than doing 5 things in an ok manner, they fully commit to making this one thing shine.

What exactly is it that you don’t have time for?

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The better deal

The most lucrative pitches are not about you making a good deal. They are about the other party making an even better deal. The better

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