How it started

Ideas don’t speak for themselves.
If no one makes them heard, they die—no matter how brilliant they are.

My journey into the world of communication began when I worked on my Ph.D. during the mobile phone revolution, a time filled with groundbreaking ideas.

Some of them changed the world rapidly and profoundly.
They came at the right time. They struck a chord. They spread fast.

But at the same time, many more brilliant ideas had to die. Many of them I witnessed with my own eyes. Sometimes, it’s been painful. I’ve sat at many conferences and in many meetings where brilliant people were speaking to other brilliant people about brilliant ideas …

Yet, after the meeting, nothing changed. The idea was forgotten. Often, no-one had even paid attention.


Not because it was the wrong idea. No, because no-one had cared for finding better words to communicate them.

The brilliant minds behind these ideas believed that good ideas would win on their own.

But they didn’t.

For an idea to change the world, people need to
→ pay attention,
→ understand the idea, and
→ see how it impacts their life.

Otherwise, they can’t embrace it, let alone fall in love with it.
For that to happen, they need to be able to “get it”.

And that is our job. Not theirs.
When we believe in our idea, we need to find the words that allow this idea to spread.

I’ve spent my career helping people find those words.

My upcoming book was written in that spirit. It focuses on one of the most important ideas in any business: strategy. If that idea dies, your business will almost certainly struggle. I hope that “The PATH to Strategic Impact” can help your strategy – and your business – thrive instead.

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Check out my new book
The PATH to Strategic Impact

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I want it done this way

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The Art of Communicating

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