Boldly disagree

Every great strategic business is built on a contradiction of the terms of their industry.

What’s the most fun part of strategy?
To me it’s boldly daring to disagree with the market.

Alex M H Smith, who wrote the foreword to my new book, and I had a lot of fun in a recent conversation on strategy from which the above quote is taken.

We spoke about
-> What makes strategy successful …
-> How good strategy aligns a whole business …
-> Why execution is tougher than it seems (and how to get it right)
-> The strategic nuances of the likes of Steve Jobs and Richard Branson …

Plus, two easily overlooked but critical steps that can make or break your strategy.

Hope you find it useful: Watch on YouTube

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I’ll just improvise

A lot of people tend to think that improvising is about being super spontaneous. What gets easily overlooked is how much improvising has to do

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