Silent and listen

Isn’t it interesting how “listen” and “silent” are anagrams?
Makes it feel like they are two sides of the same thing.

In a way, they are:
When you listen intently, you become silent.
When you are silent, you can truly listen.

But there’s more:
When you remain silent, even if it’s just a little longer, you’ll pick up nuances that you would miss if you broke the silence.

I find it fascinating how much we can learn if we simply stay silent for a second longer and let the other person continue talking.

Silent is
… how we pay attention.
… how we allow others to open up in a conversation.
… how we give the space for their words to unfold naturally.
… how we reflect on what is being said.

In other words: silent is how we listen for what’s really going on.

Have you experienced moments where silence improved your communication?

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