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The slickness of a great pitch

A great pitch doesn’t succeed because it’s slick. It succeeds because it’s clear. Slickness is a side-effect of clarity.

With clarity comes slickness, not the other way around. You can design a super slick pitch deck that’s utterly confusing, has no clear message, and remains vague about the actual plan.

But make it super clear and it’ll be hard to make it ugly.

Copying the slickness is tempting. But copying the clarity is way more useful. But that – of course – means doing the work.

The good news is that once you’ve done the work, you won’t need to copy the looks anymore. You’ll automatically arrive at a tone that’s uniquely appropriate for you idea.

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Truly listening

When was the last time you sat down with someone and just listened? I mean simply sitting there and giving them the space to express

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Straight lines are not always the quickest path. That’s why bypasses exist. It might be shorter to drive straight through the town, but the detour

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