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Making people fall in love with what you make

Marketing is widely considered to be the art of making people fall in love with what you make.

But what if you turned this around to make the things people will love. Let’s say: not build a course and make people love it but build a course that people love?

Or in a way that people love. Let’s say not build an app and educate people to love it but build it from the start in a way that people love to use?

This shift in perspective has a profound impact on the decisions you make during development. It has an even bigger impact on how you market your product. Because you can stop to decorate your product with fancy sounding slogans. You can just speak plain English and tell a true story.

What are you building?

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Waiting for your turn

In many conversations, people tend to focus on their turn. On what they could say next. As opposed to listening to what the others have

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Compared to what?

You might copywrite a text faster than anyone else in town. But on the other side of the planet, I can find someone who writes

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