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How did you brighten someone’s day today?

Did you say a word of appreciation to someone who needed to hear it?

Did you give to someone more than you needed to give?

Did you smile when they entered the room?

Did you call someone who missed you?

Did you encourage someone to say “no” to something that deeply troubled him?

Did you encourage someone to say “yes” to something she couldn’t find the courage to agree to herself?

When was the last time that this someone was you?

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If they knew what you know …

Would they buy your product?Would they follow your recommendation?Would they feel valued by your offer?Would they approve of the way you achieve the goal?Would they

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Well done

How often do you personally hear “Well done!”?It’s not something a leader hears very often, is it? Leaders are supposed to be the ones giving

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The Art of Communicating

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