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Context isn’t a luxury

When you just throw tasks at your team without context, what do you get? People doing the bare minimum because they don’t see the bigger picture.

But when you take a moment to explain the ‘why’, it’s a game-changer. Instead of micromanaging you pursue clarity. Instead of throwing tasks at them you empower them to make choices. Instead of blindly following orders, your team can innovate and take charge.

Think of it this way: just handing someone a puzzle piece versus showing them the full image.

Context isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity.

By offering clarity, you’re not just getting tasks done, you’re building leaders.

Take the time to explain things.When everyone gets it, they can take charge.

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Different vs. specific

Good marketers make their marketing different.Great marketers make their marketing specific.Which is why it’s different by default. Great marketing doesn’t bother to make anything different.

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