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A nightmare of a meeting

The very first meeting I participated in was a pure nightmare. We were 10 people. Exactly one was paying attention. Wanna know who? The one who was currently presenting. (And even that is up for debate.)

It was also the first day of my future career as a communication skills coach as I swore myself that I never wanted to experience meetings like this again. They are a huge waste of resources. They are a grave for great ideas. They kill creativity.

Back then, I believed in better. Today I know that better exists.

There is no way that it makes sense for 10 people to decide that the best use of their time would be to gather in a room with people who they have no intention of paying attention to.

What was the worst meeting experience you had?

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We can all agree that you never want to be in the bottom left quadrant. But surprisingly, there are strong proponents for the top left

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