In 1995, Bill Gates really struggled to make a case for the Internet:
Funny isn’t it? The CEO of the dominant software company can’t clearly say what the benefits of one of the most significant technological advances in mankind actually are.
Now, here’s a question to you: 26 years later and knowing what you know now, would you do any better? Could you answer Letterman’s question about what’s the big deal about the Internet in a TV compatible way?
As Letterman said: It’s easy to criticise something you don’t fully understand. And yet, that’s exactly the position that our customers are in. They don’t fully understand the thing we’re trying to explain to them. And one of their most pressing questions is this: So, what’s the big deal about this?
It’s easy to make fun of one of the most successful businessmen in history. But again, would you do better? Or more precisely, do you do better for the things you sell?
(PS: This fall, I’m launching the “Leaders Light the Path” masterclass which helps you do better. Get notified here.)