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And then they say it again. Only s l o w e r. Or LOUDER.
As if I was kind of dumb …

And yet, that’s what some people do when others don’t get what they mean. The worst part: They do it using the exact same words.

Which hardly ever works, of course.

Because understanding the words wasn’t the issue. Getting what the words mean was. Repeating them won’t change that.

A better way to react when people don’t get what we mean is with a question. Once you know what they did understand and how they understood it, you’re much better positioned to look for other – clearer – ways to explain your idea. Ways that have a much better chance of getting through than the one for which you already know that it doesn’t work.

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Here are some ideas for last minute gifts that will still arrive on time to bring someone joy over X-Mas. Smile.Lend them a helping hand.Say

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