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If only we could fix our customers

… so that they finally see what they are supposed to see and buy from us. Or cheer for us.

It can be super frustrating when we put so much effort into building our product and crafting our story and then some of our customers still don’t get it. Life would be so much easier if we didn’t have to improve ourselves but could just fix our customers, wouldn’t it?

Obviously, that’s not possible. But the thing that’s easily overlooked is that we get to choose our customers. We decide who we want to serve. And the answer to our problem might be as simple as focussing on those that do get us. A lot of frustration in sales and marketing stems from the desire to please everyone when, in fact, there’s already a tribe that strongly resonates with us.

It’s a waste of effort to try to persuade those that don’t want to be persuaded when we could spend that effort to much greater effect on serving those that are ready to come along (and possibly bring their friends).

Fixing a customer might not be possible but fixing our audience is.

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Picture of Dr. Michael Gerharz

Dr. Michael Gerharz