Why customers shop around

The moment your customers feel seen, they stop shopping around.

When you realize this, it’s no wonder that customers keep their eyes open for alternatives.

They don’t feel seen.

Because the business is busy speaking about themselves.
Occupying the spotlight.
Positioning themselves as the hero.
Trying to get attention.

When all the customer needs is to feel seen.

That’s the irony: The best way to get attention is to pay attention.

While focusing on yourself leaves customers feeling ignored.

That’s why the so-called love brands start with listening.

It means they can stop persuading and start resonating.

Instead of churning out yet another ad, why not call one of your customers today and have a raw conversation?

Many of my clients have called that a breakthrough moment. It cuts the countless hours spent in meetings guessing what they would say by knowing what they do say.

Leaders who listen create brands people swear by, not just shop from.

What’s a brand that makes you feel seen? How do they achieve that?

Keep lighting the path!

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