Whose time invest is it?

Traditional presentations consume their audience’s time. Modern presentations reward their audiences for the time they invest.

The selfish presenter of traditional presentations is mainly concerned with herself. She considers the time of her audience as her time. For her, the job is done when everything’s said. Everything? That’s mainly dumping massive amounts of generic marketing messages onto the audience. Boring stuff for the audience. So, the usual reaction of her audience is to think: “Please stop!”

The servant speaker of modern presentations is concerned with her audience. She values the time of her audience as a precious gift. She starts by asking herself: What is it that matters most to my audience? What do they need from me? What do they need to know so that they can make best use of my service? What do I need to tell them so that the time they invest is of the greatest value for them?

The ultimate reward of the servant speaker is when her audience wants them to tell them more.

By creating a win for their audiences, servant speakers create an even bigger win for themselves.

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After your pitch what happens? Often a pitch doesn’t lead to an immediate decision: “Thank you very much, we’ll think about it.” That’s why great

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