What’s possible?

Of course, we want to have it …

as good as possible,
as cheap as possible,
as profitable as possible,
as soon as possible,
as long as possible,
as fun as possible,
as robust as possible,
as flexible as possible …

The list goes on …

It gets impossible when we fail to prioritize the left side.

If you’re unclear about your priority, you’re quickly going to find yourself in an endless struggle between choices. Do we make it better or cheaper? More robust or cheaper? Do we deliver quicker or do we make it more flexible? And so on and so forth …

But when you and your team align on a common path that leads to one clear destination you can treat all the other criteria as constraints, the guard rails on the path.

What’s your path?

PS: Also, of course, this.

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Taking action

Why do some strategies sound brilliant in the boardroom but never take off in the real world? Well, thinking up the strategy is one thing.

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The White Album

Yesterday, I’ve listened to the The White Album from The Beatles. Again. At some point I’ve lost count of how often I’ve listened to the

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