What does it take to say something nice?

It’s easy when you’re in a great mood but a bit harder when you’re not.

It’s easy when you’re relaxed but a lot harder when you’re stressed.

It’s easy when the other person was nice to you but not so easy when she wasn’t.

It feels easy when you want something from the other person but not as easy when you don’t.

It’s extra hard when you’re angry. When you’ve been hurt.

It’s also hard when you don’t have to.

And yet, it makes all the difference. In any of these situations.

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Remember me!

“I’ll send you the slides.” The fairy tale about the double use of presentation slides as handouts goes something like this: Without any extra effort

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Faking authenticity

Authenticity is always in the eye of the beholder. When our audience experiences what we say to be in sync with how we say it,

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