Us, together

So many businesses miss out on an opportunity to create a deeper connection with their customers on their “about us” page.

They take “us” to mean “themselves”. The business.

While this isn’t exactly wrong, it excludes the customers.

A much deeper connection is possible when “us” includes the customer.

What about “us, the business” is it that clicks with the customer? What is it that makes the customer identify with the business to think that they are “like us”.

What’s the common ground? The point of identification? What makes this combination of business and customer the perfect match?

Ultimately, this expands “us” to mean “us, together”.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t speak about yourself. But what you do say you say purposefully to resonate with your customer.

It’s your story that they read, but it’s also a profound feeling of “like us” that they sense.

A great example is Patagonia. On their “Business, unusual” page they speak about themselves, their values and their journey. But in every single word their customers see themselves; you can easily see them thinking “just like us”.

That’s a profound connection that has the potential to create an incredible amount of loyalty.

PS: Reach out if you want that, too.

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