Try harder?

Some skills can be improved by just practicing long enough. Let’s take running. Basically, the longer you run, the longer you will be able to run (within certain limits, of course).

Communicating is different. Your communication skills won’t improve by talking longer. In fact, the opposite might take you a much longer way. Try using fewer words to say the same thing and magic happens.

Clarity is valued a lot by our audiences. But it is probably the most underpracticed skill for speakers.

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When rational hits emotional

When a rational argument hits on an emotional argument, it usual ends badly. Both increase their volume, the rational side by elaborating their arguments in

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After the pitch

After your pitch what happens? Often a pitch doesn’t lead to an immediate decision: “Thank you very much, we’ll think about it.” That’s why great

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Nowadays, even if there’s no sound, the world doesn’t feel silent very often, does it? As soon as we pause, our phones cry “Check me!”.

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The Art of Communicating

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