Today’s a good day to say …

“Well done!” to someone who did a great job.

“Thank you!” to someone who was generous to you.

“I hear you.” to someone who needs to hear it.

“No!” to someone who’s selfishly stealing your time.

“Yes!” to someone who needs your support.

What’s one thing that you’re going to say on this day?

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The chaos around us

The tricky thing about distractions is that they don’t always present themselves as such. In many cases, they come disguised as opportunities. A new job

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The selfish speaker

The selfish speaker is still the standard approach to speaking. Selfish speakers want us to get them. As opposed to them getting us. They speak

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Being human

One of the fascinating aspects of AI is that it forces us to reconsider what “uniquely human” actually means. For years, we’ve leveraged computers to

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