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The special ones

Some people are so good at public speaking that it feels out of reach to achieve the same. Their confidence, their eloquence, their whole appearance, everything feels so elaborate that they appear to be from a different breed. Maybe natural born talents.

They are not, of course.

Almost any great speaker is great at what they do because they’ve done it so many times before.

They became good at speaking. Through speaking.

Their first speech wasn’t their best speech.

Their first response to an audience remark wasn’t the most quick-witted remark.

And it’s hard to believe that their first appearance was on a big stage.

They started somewhere. Let’s say in a meeting. Or at a company event. Or they recorded a video that no-one watched. Most of all, they started.

And kept at it. And recorded a second one. And a third.

When they were at a hundred, they were getting good.

It’s not about whether you have it within you (you have!). It’s about starting.

And that’s always within reach.

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Audiences are regularly surprised to find themselves in the middle of a conversation when they expected to sit through a monologue. With smaller audiences it’s

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The Unlikely Speaker Rockstar

You don’t enjoy public speaking?Well, many great speakers don’t, either! This observation often surprises people. In both camps. A friend of mine was baffled to

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