The perfect first sentence

The perfect first sentence is the one that makes your audience want to read or hear the second one.

Sounds trivial, but is it?

I mean, just look around – let’s say at a couple of speeches you listened to recently. How did these begin?

How did yours begin?

Just because every other speech begins by going through the agenda, yours doesn’t have to.

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Speak Easy

If you’ve ever struggled with stage fright but somehow nothing you’ve tried has really worked, this is for you. Perhaps you’ve already watched a couple

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Taking action

Why do some strategies sound brilliant in the boardroom but never take off in the real world? Well, thinking up the strategy is one thing.

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How to be quick witted

Quick-witted people are quick-witted because they often respond quickly. Quite simply they have a lot of practice at being quick-witted. If they do it often

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