The most average communication I’ve ever seen

When was the last time you thought: “Oh wow, that was so awesome! It’s been the most average presentation I’ve ever seen!”

And yet, it’s what communicators tend to do most of the time.

Going for the average rather than the edges.
Going for what’s proven rather than what’s daring.
Going for low risk rather than high gain.

That’s not to say that average, proven, and low risk doesn’t work. Many good deals are made based on average, proven, low risk work.

But it’s a lot harder to get heard. Or to convince your audience that among all the averages this is the average to choose.

And then have them spread the word about it?

If we want others to pay attention and spread the word, it might pay to go looking for the uncharted territory, build a path there, and light it so that others can see it, too.

It may be harder to start with, but easier in the long run.

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