The key to your audience’s attention…

… is everyday life and it’s quite often overlooked.

Most of us don’t spend the majority of our time in the extraordinary. It’s the ordinary that dominates our lives.

The same is true for our audiences. It’s everyday life where they have most of their problems. And it’s everyday life where they most urgently need solutions for – no matter whether it’s in their private lives (“improve fitness”) or their professional lives (“improve production quality”).

Now, if our big idea is exactly the solution for our audience’s everyday problems, resonating with their ordinary life is what gets us their attention.

It’s a huge misunderstanding that we would need an extraordinary show for this. What we need is extraordinary empathy: What exactly does everyday life look like for my audience? What exactly is their problem? How exactly does my solution help?

The more concrete we paint this picture, the more people will stick to your lips – and feel: “Exactly! That’s me! This is what I need.”

The feeling of “that’s me” is the key to their attention – and it’s grounded in everyday life.

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