The gift of speaking

We’re giving a speech. Yet, ironically for most speakers speaking is about taking. Taking for granted their audience’s time. Shamelessly making their communication about themselves, trying to persuade their audience into buying, agreeing, voting etc.

How about we remind ourselves of the “giving” again? How about we give our time rather than take our audience’s time? And how about we start today?

Today, many families around the world spend their time together. How about we stop taking ourselves too seriously. Rather than expecting our family’s attention, we gift our attention to them. Rather than speaking about us, we listen to them. Rather than insisting on the way we would like the day to unfold, we just let it happen the way that our loved ones like it best.

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Open doors

Two very different ways to create an offer: No. 1: Leave as many doors open as possible and make sure that there’s something in it

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Electric clocks

In the 50s, Rolls Royce claimed that their cars are super quiet. But how quiet were they? Here’s how Rolls Royce explained it: “At 60

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In elementary sales school you learn that a prospect’s “no” is short for “not enough information”. And so, whole armies of salesforces bombard their prospects

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