The fun part of public speaking

You’re getting a chance to speak about what truly matters to you. How awesome is that!

Don’t forget to have fun with it.

People tend to mistake giving a talk as an obligation. But honestly, isn’t it kind of amazing that you get to stand up there and speak your truth?

Not everyone gets that chance.

Don’t you agree that the opportunity to share what you’re passionate about should be a joyride, not a chore?

If you manage to reframe the situation in that way, it has a profound impact on your emotions.

Enjoying the moment helps you stay present, which is essential for managing anxiety. When you’re ‘in the moment,’ there’s less room for anxious thoughts about the past or future.

But there’s more to this: Joy is infectious. When you’re visibly enjoying the moment, that enthusiasm is contagious. It sweeps up the audience and creates a shared experience that’s memorable and meaningful.

So, this isn’t just about enjoying yourself; it’s about creating a vibrant, positive atmosphere that the audience can participate in.

And guess what? Their joy becomes infectious, too. It’s a virtuous cycle.

Here’s another way to look at it: This is a choice.

You can choose to consider the talk an obligation.
Or you can choose to consider it an opportunity.

You can choose to watch out for everything that could possibly go wrong. Or you can choose to watch out for anything that could be fun.

You can choose to treat your audience as a target.
Or you can choose to treat them as humans.
The former means work. The latter means fun.

Here’s the thing: It’s your choice!
Enjoy it!

PS: This is a short excerpt from my free eBook “Speak Easy” with a simple 4 step approach to show up with more confidence.

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