The big stage

It used to be a privilege to be the speaker who gets to stand on the big stage, in front of an audience of 2,000+.

It’s not, anymore. You are already on a far bigger stage. Because nowadays, the big stage is everywhere. In particular, it’s in your living room. The impact of one video on YouTube, Instagram and other platforms can exceed the impact of any speech to any live audience by several magnitudes.

So, if you’re looking to make an impact, it’s not the gatekeepers of the large conferences who keep you away from it. You don’t need their permission to step up. In fact, you don’t need anybody’s permission. You can give yourself permission. Permission to prepare, to record, and to upload. To let us in into your world. To share your point of view. To open up new perspectives.

You don’t need a stage for this. All you need is a camera. And when in doubt, the one you have with you is good enough to put you in front of the largest audience you’ve ever spoken to.

So, if you’ve got something to share with us, please do.

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Sign of the times

Walter, a friend of mine, recently claimed that he could tell by the looks of someone’s website when that person entered the Internet. The structure

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The comfort of vagueness

Always be truthful in what you say.Kind of a no-brainer, isn’t it? But there are two directions from which to approach this ideal. First, you

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