When you pass a new information along and when that information is in line with your reputation then the mere act of passing along can boost your status, e.g. …
You can be the first to know something, boosting your status as the person who always has the lastest info.
You can be the one who knows the research behind some finding, boosting your status as the person who others can trust.
You can be the one who knows the latest innovation, boosting your status as the one who knows all the cool stuff.
You can be the one who knows the latest gossip, boosting your status as the person who is well connected.
You can be the one who knows where to find the best deal, boosting your status as the clever trader.
You can be the one who knows a life hack, a path forward, a new idea, or many other different things … boosting your status in all sorts of different ways.
Aligning with this status boost is one of the most reliable ways to get others to pass our message along. What would it be for your message?