
Great communication tends to be simple.
Not trivial, not simplistic, but profoundly simple.

Trivial messages take us nowhere.
Simplistic ones take us to the wrong places.
Profoundly simple ones light the path to unexpected places.

Both, trivial and simplistic, try to remove or replace the complexity. They pretend that things would be simpler than they actually are (which in the best case is mostly harmless, but in the worst case could be dangerous). They cut the conversation short and offer conclusions without the hassle of having to think it through.

Profoundly simple means something different.

It does not replace the complexity.
It makes it accessible.

It doesn’t aim to end the discussion but to spark the curiosity that allows the conversation to start and go deeper.

Can you tell your story in a profoundly simple way?

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Effective communication

In school, you’re taught to write a commentary. But rarely do you find a teacher who teaches you how to comment effectively. Usually, you will

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“I’m not creative!”

“I’m not creative!”, she said. Maybe she wasn’t. But maybe she was and just didn’t stick with the problem long enough … Here’s what Monty

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Today might be a good day to check out my podcast. After two years and more than 200 episodes it has a new name to

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The Art of Communicating

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