When you want us to see something, you need us to look. You need our attention.
Poor communicators fail to get our attention. So, we can’t see what they want us to see. Change can’t happen – even if we care. We don’t see it.
Good communicators make us see the things they care about. They serve us their cause as something we should care about. And probably we do, but probably we don’t. Change might happen or not depending on whether we do.
Great communicators are different.
Rather than to speak so that we get them, leaders who light the path get us and speak about it.
They make us see a path forward that we care for. A path we want to take.
One we choose to take.
And that’s why change happens.
PS: This is an excerpt from the “Leaders Light the Path Manifesto”. Read the full text here: https://LeadersLightThePath.com and share it with everyone who needs to read it.