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How do we get our team on track?

Here’s a more useful question to ask: What would make them choose the track if they had the choice?

Great leaders understand that brilliant people are self-motivated. You don’t need to “get them on track”. They are the first to jump on the track if they believe that it’s the right track – one that allows them to do meaningful work they can be proud of.

So, what would make it obvious to your team that yours is the right track? (Is it?)

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This is the game you’re in

-> Passionate beats eloquent-> Prominent beats competent-> Relatable beats spectacular-> Relevant beats fancy-> Simple beats complex-> Useful beats beautiful-> Wow beats aha in the short

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Someone’s got to suffer

The journalist and language teacher Wolf Schneider famously said: “Someone’s got to suffer, the writer or the reader.” The same is true for speakers and

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