The clarity to focus your team

Good leaders hire great people.

Great leaders make them a team.

After all, a team of brilliant members might not accomplish much when everyone follows their own agenda. Five brilliant people pushing in five different directions can provide much worse results than five average people pushing in the same direction.

Focus and dedication towards a common goal are often underrated but they are among the most important tasks of a great team leader. The ability to communicate that vision and to lead by example, thereby lighting the path, is even more important today in this remote world.

In two weeks from now, I will publish a free 5 part deep dive to help you find the clarity to focus your team. Actionable tips to focus your team on a common vision. It will be published exclusively via email and you can subscribe here (no obligation, your info will be immediately deleted after the course).

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Tell me more

… is a much more powerful guiding principle when designing a speech than “tell me everything”. We tend to feel the need to tell our audiences

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Workshops for the new age

Remember the days when workshops were that marathon where you had to block off entire days in your calendar? A pretty tough choice when you’re

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The Art of Communicating

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