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Consistency attracts

When you consistently brighten your team’s day.
When you consistently decide to skip the bullshit.
When you consistently promise only the things that you can be sure to be able to keep. And then consistently overdeliver.
When you are consistently more generous than people are used to from others.
When you consistently take responsibility for the consequences of your action.
When you consistently commit to lighting the path for those that don’t yet see what you see.

Then that consistency will attract. And spread. And possibly even become contagious.

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No (and what it really means)

“No.” That’s what you heard.But here’s what they could have meant. No, not now.No, not here.No, it’s not safe.No, I’m too tired.No, I don’t agree.No,

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The future, now!

Many people think of pitching as the act of selling an idea or a product. It’s not. Because pitching is not about you making a

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The Art of Communicating

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