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The Unlikely Speaker Rockstar

You don’t enjoy public speaking?
Well, many great speakers don’t, either!

This observation often surprises people. In both camps.

A friend of mine was baffled to learn that his peers considered him a truly gifted speaker – baffled because he didn’t enjoy the spotlight of a stage much and, as a consequence, thought he wasn’t good at it.

This scenario is more common than you might think. Some of the most compelling speakers are anything but seeking the spotlight.

Which is precisely why we enjoy their speeches so much.

They don’t show up to show off. They show up because they deeply care for what they do.

In other words, if advancing their cause means standing on a stage, then that’s what they’ll do. And if they do it, then they can just as well make good use of that time. My friend wasn’t chasing applause or trying to dazzle the audience. Instead, he aimed to lead listeners to a moment of clarity and understanding.

And that’s what his audience appreciated: The aha. (Did you ever notice how aha moments often come in silence?)

It’s a common misconception that to excel in public speaking, one must love the spotlight. It’s much more important that you love what you do and care deeply.

Have you met such a person?
Do you yourself enjoy standing on a stage?

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