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Open doors

Two very different ways to create an offer:

No. 1: Leave as many doors open as possible and make sure that there’s something in it for everyone even if that means that it’s not perfect for any specific person.

No. 2: Close as many doors as possible and make sure that it’s perfect for one specific person even if that means that it doesn’t appeal to most.

Which one do you choose?

PS: There’s no right or wrong here. It’s a choice. But it’s best to make it a conscious choice.

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You don’t enjoy public speaking?Well, many great speakers don’t, either! This observation often surprises people. In both camps. A friend of mine was baffled to

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The better deal

I’ve seen many pitches end in frustration as a result of begging for a yes. Sometimes that works. But often it doesn’t. The thing is:

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