A moment for reflection

You’re invited! The 2nd edition of “The Leaders Light the Path Session” is happening on Feb 11th.

It’s a free, hands-on gathering for leaders who want to communicate with clarity and impact.

Participants of the first session have called it a relaxed format and a great moment for reflection.

Don’t expect a lengthy presentation and over-complicated frameworks. We’re more interested in conversations and real, actionable ways to help you find better words.

This time, we’re applying lessons from my latest book “The PATH to Strategic Impact”:

→ Simple strategies to turn ambition into progress
→ How to encourage people to challenge the norm
→ Why heartfelt words are underestimated in business

Feb 11th | 11am Eastern · 5pm CET | Zoom

Whether you’re building something new, scaling a big idea, or simply looking to maximize the impact of your communication, this session will help you do it with focus and clarity.

It’s highly interactive, in a small group setting with like-minded peers.

Would love to see you there.

Seats are limited, though! Reserve your spot by simply replying to this email (I prefer the process as plain and simple as possible).

Keep lighting the path!

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Check out my new book
The PATH to Strategic Impact

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Daily insights on
The Art of Communicating

Find the right words and
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