What would Taylor tell their colleagues in the coffee lounge about it?

In many companies, it’s the most valuable office space. It’s the place where connections are made and ideas are born. It’s where information is passed on: The coffee lounge.

A common remark that’s made there goes something like this: “Have you heard about X? It does Y! It relates to our problem Z!”

Ans so, one of the most useful questions you can ask yourself when working on the message that you want people to pass along about your product is this:

“What would Taylor tell their colleagues in the coffee lounge about it?”

Taylor won’t share what’s important to you. She will share what feels important to her. Most importantly, she will decide what that is. And she will pass it along using her own words.

You’ve had your chance during the pitch to make your point and tell your story. But then, it’s Taylor’s turn to decide to bring it into the coffee lounge and pass it along.

The good news is this: If you’re aware of that, you can craft your story accordingly.

So, what would you like Taylor to tell her colleagues? Why would she? Your task is to bridge that gap.

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