
What’s the most underrated part of a great message?

It’s not the words.
Not the story.
Not the delivery.

But the silence in between.

The pause.

Why? Because the pause is where the reflection occurs.

It’s in that moment, just after you’ve said something profound, where your audience truly hears it.

Too many communicators rush past this moment. They fill the silence with more words, more data, more arguments.

But when you don’t pause, you don’t give them the chance to feel it. To process it. To make it theirs.

That’s when your point sticks.
Not in never-ending stream of arguments.
In the pause.

A pause doesn’t just sit there, waiting. It works for you.

Try it and see what happens when you trust your words to resonate a little longer.


And then … perhaps still a bit longer.
Long enough to feel uncomfortable.
Long enough for your audience to lean in.

Keep lighting the path!

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