The simple foundation

Let’s not make things more complicated than they need to be.

The PATH to Strategic Impact is made of
Plain and simple language that’s easy to understand,
Actionable messages that are obvious to implement,
Transformative goals that encourage bold moves, and
Heartfelt words that capture what the team and you deeply care for.

Find those words and your chances of making an impact will greatly improve.

The four PATH principles with cover visual

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The PATH to Strategic Impact

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If only I had known this

In hindsight, it’s often not that difficult to see what you should have done differently. Of course, this couldn’t work. Of course, they would be

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It’s either good or bad

“Oh, that’s like Instagram but for poems.” When we see or hear something, our brain automatically compares it to the things we know. We put

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Daily insights on
The Art of Communicating

Find the right words and
make a bigger impact!!
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