The Leader’s PATH

You know your truth, your vision, the path ahead.
But how do you get others to see it?

Surprisingly often, the problem isn’t figuring out a path, but lighting it so that others can clearly see it, too. (And take action by walking it).

Can you clearly describe what the path is? How people can take the first step? Why it’s worth the effort for them to get there?

I’ve assembled a free little guide to help you with that. It’s super short and it works much like a gut check that you can use
→ Before you speak.
→ Before you hit “send.”
→ Before you step into that room.

It’s a handy booklet that helps you find words that help your ideas have a much bigger impact.

The guide is free to download on my website (no email required).

Keep lighting the path!

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Check out my new book
The PATH to Strategic Impact

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What matters most?

Short reminder: If you don’t decide on what matters most, you’re effectively delegating that decision to your audience. What’s your focus for today?

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Is it urgent?

Today’s a good day to remind ourselves of the fact that almost nothing is ever urgent. No matter how hard the media tries to suggest

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Daily insights on
The Art of Communicating

Find the right words and
make a bigger impact!!
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